Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sneaky Like a Fox

Theme:  Letter "X"
X is sneaky like a fox.  It usually comes in the middle or at the end of a word.  Some of the X words we focused on include:  ox, box, six, ax, & x-ray. We learned that sometimes people write OXOX to send hugs and kisses.  We had fun making the X sound.  We listened to some words and then determined where the X sound was (the beginning, middle, or end)

Choosing Time:  Letter "X" Memory, Zoob, Build Boxes, Xerox Copy Paper Drawings, ...

  • Popcorn, Cuties, Red Pepper Slices
  • Cheeze-Its
  • Carrot Slices, Gold Coins, & Pretzels
  • Pretzels & Marshmallow Twists
  • Bananna Bread, Grapes, & Cuties
  • Orange Slices & Goldfish
  • Fruit Snacks
Writing:  We practiced our names a lot.  We also practiced writing OXOX to send many hugs and kisses to our mothers :)

Music & Movement:
  • X Marks the Spot
  • Here Comes the Ox Cart 
  • Six Little Ducks
  • X Jacks 
  • Mother, I Love You
  • Six Big Donuts In the Bakery Shop
  • Skidamarinkydinkydink
  • Oh, A Hunting We Will Go
  • Mother's Day Heart Flowers & Card--By the way, the flower seeds may be planted.  Place them in a pot or in the ground in a partial sun place.  They will either be red or yellow.
  • Xerox Paper Drawings
  • "X-ray" Crayon Painting

 Art and MaxWhere Once There Was a Wood
Max Cleans UpMy Mama Had A Dancing Heart

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Theme:  Letter W
We met Wilma Whale.  We noticed that "W" looks like upside down "M", and that "MOM" upside down is "WOW".  We also realized that "W" looks like two "V's" put together.  We had fun signing "W" and think it's funny that it looks like the #3. 

Choosing Time:  Water Animals, Wheels, Letter W Memory, ...

Music & Movement:
  • Wheels on the Bus
  • Down by the Bay
  • Wiggle, Wiggle
  • Wiggle in my Toe
  • Wiggle My Torso
  • Little Red Wagon
Reading:  We spent some time reading some common endings such as -on, -in, -ig, -ow, and -at.  We then put a "W" or "Wh" in front of the endings and read the words. We really had fun doing this!  And, we felt so proud of ourselves.

Art:  Watercolors & Watercolored Wild Things

  • Watermelon
  • Cupcakes
  • Walnuts & Fruit Snacks
  • Goldfish
  • Fruit Snacks
Birthdays:  Happy Birthday to Joshua and Raymond!  Thank you for sharing treats with us :)

Where the Wild Things Are Great Day for Up!
We enjoyed acting out the parts of the Wild Things while I read the story