Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Signs of Fall

Theme: Autumn Fun!

Choosing Time: Play-doh, Zoob, puzzles, hats, beauty shop
Art: Leaf Mobiles

Books: Chipmunk Song by Joanne Ryder and I Am Thankful

Music: "I'm a Nut"

AM Snack: Popcorn with Marshmallows

PM Snack: Thank you Sam for green & red apples & Peanut Butter Crackers

AM Cooking: We had a fun time making one of my favorite Fall treats: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. Everyone helped and did a fantastic job. We practiced the sequencing of the recipe ingredients. See if your child can tell you how to make them! The recipe is as follows: 2 Packages of Spice Cake Mix, 2 Eggs, 2 Cups of Chocolate Chips, 1 BIG can of Pumpkin. Of course the PM class got to eat some cookies too!
Science: Acorn Exploration

Movement: Fall Leaf Dancing

I like to rake the leaves,
Into a great big hump.
I take a step back,
Bend my knees & JUMP!

Lesson: We know it is Fall when the leaves turn colors and begin to fall off the trees. Acorns fall off the trees. It is colder. We need to wear coats/jackets. Sometimes we need hats, gloves, and scarves. We celebrate Halloween & Thanksgiving. The sun goes to bed earlier. Some flowers and vegetables die. Some moms like to bake more.

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