Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Winter Fun

Theme: Winter Fun

Choosing Time: Trains, Puzzles, Balloons, Books

AM Art: Sparkling Balloon Snowballs
AM Snack: Granola Bars & Fruit Snacks

AM Game: ABC Bingo with M&M's

AM Science: How will an ice cube melt the fastest? We tested ice cubes in cold water, hot water, dirt, empty cup, & snow. We also tried wrapping ice cubes in tin foil, paper towel, & saran wrap. We all predicted that the ice cube in the HOT water would melt the quickest and it did :) It might surprise you that the second fastest to melt was the one we wrapped in tin foil. The slowest to melt was the ice cube in the empty cup!

PM Art: Q-Tip Snowflakes
PM Snack: Apple Slices, Crackers, & Cheese Sticks

PM Game: Musical Snowflake

PM Science: We observed the ice cubes from the morning class. We helped Miss Jodi to identify which ice cubes were melting the fastest. We also enjoyed making snow cones together. Watching the ice being shaved was exciting! Many of the children exclaimed, "It looks just like snowflakes!"
Music & Movement: Hokey Pokey, Itsy Bitsy Monkey, 10 Dancing Snowmen, Snow is Falling, Once there was a Snowman, If All the Snowflakes, A Chubby Little Snowman (which we had fun making up some new verses!), &
My Pet Snowball
I made myself a snowball
Just as perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me
I gave it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then, last night it ran away,
But first . . . .it wet the bed!

Book: On A Wintry Morning by Dori Chaconas

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