Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Planting Vegetables in Violet Cups

Theme: Letter "V"

Choosing Time: Dinosaurs, Trains, Dinosaur puzzle with a Volcano, Dress-Ups

AM Snack: Watermelon Wedges (V-shaped) & Ritz Crackers

PM Snack: Cheez-It crackers, Cheese, & Grapes

Movement: See Me Run, Criss Cross Volcano Sauce, Make a Letter "V" Shape
Lesson: "V" is for Van (and van), volcano, vacuum, violet, visit, vacation, vision, vegetable, vine, and violin. I "played" a violin for the kiddos. They laughed and laughed. We talked about what kind of vegetables we like/dislike to eat. We also talked about what kinds of things grow on a vine and how a vine has tendrils that grab hold of things.

Science: We had fun with a volcano. We talked about magma and pressure. We learned that there are places in Utah where we can go that has magma underground building up pressure and starting to crack the earth.
Art: Vegetable Tags: We either drew or glued a picture of the vegetable we chose to grow. Hopefully, everyone will have a good experience watching something grow! We had fun planting the seeds!

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