Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week Eighteen--Vrooooom!

Theme: Happy Birthday Mozart
Mozart was a child prodigy. He composed his first piece of music at age 5 and began performing for royalty at age 7. He was a master musician. He composed more than 600 pieces of music during his short life. We watched a short clip from Starfall.com to listen to a sonata he composed at age 7. We listened to hear the violin. I then played a rendition of Twelve Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je, Maman" by Mozart. I asked the children to tell me the name of the song as soon as they could recognize it...In unison all shouted Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I then pointed out that we can sing "ABC.." to the same tune. Mozart was born on Jan. 27th, 1756. If he were still alive he'd be nearly 300 years old. (Yes, I know I rounded way up.)

Letter V:
We met Vulture Velveeta. We practiced the sign for "V" its sound. We listened to some words and then told if the "V" sound was in the middle, beginning, or end of the word.

Choosing Time: Letter "V" Matching Game, Vehicles, Vet Pretend Play

Some Show & Tell:
A Van
My brother, Van.
Valentine Shaped V-Tech
V-8 Valentine
Several Boys Brought Darth Vader
  • A Very large Variety (including fruit snacks, fruit bars, crackers, & clementines)
  • Vegetables (bell peppers, celery, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, & peas) & Vanilla Wafers
  • Vegetables (carrots & celery) & Chocolate Music Notes
  • Pretzel Sticks (to make V's) & Fruit Snacks
  • A Variety (Pink & White Frosted Animal Crackers, Cheese, & Grapes)
  • Apples & Ritz Crackers
  • Twist Crackers & Cheese Sticks (to make V's)

Cute Sayings:

  • "Miss Jodi, 'Do you know what a quarrel is?' It is a small fight and it starts with Q!"


  1. Volcano Fun--We went outside to watch our volcano erupt. Real Volcanos are hot when they erupt because of the hot magma and lava. Our volcano was not hot. We used baking soda and vinegar that reacted together, making lots of air bubbles that pushed the vinegar out of the volcano and ran down the sides. One child put a tree seed pod into our volcano to see if the reaction would push it out. It didn't. Then we tried some small pieces of dried leaves. The reaction pushed the leaves out.
  2. Vulture Facts--I compared a vulture to a garbage truck. A vulture only eats dead & decomposing animals. Vultures do not kill other animals, they only "clean-up" nature so that the dead things won't stink up the planet. We watched a short clip about vultures on National Geographic.

A King Vulture (some vultures aren't ugly)

Art: Volcano V's & Vanilla Pudding Painting


  • Zin, Zin, Violin by Lloyd Moss
  • A Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
  • Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell

Music & Movement:

  • Criss, Cross "V" Sauce (We'd sing it and then show one way we can make a V Shape with our bodies
  • Pet Snowball
  • I Am Very...
  • Oh, What A Miracle
  • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
  • The Violin, the Violin...

Timpview HS Band Concert Field Trip: The am class had a wonderful music experience! We were fortunate to find some Viola Players practicing in the hallway. They performed a little number for us and allowed the kids to touch their instruments. We then came across the Violinists and they also played a piece for us. The children (both the young and teenagers) loved the attention! The Band Director was grateful for an audience (we doubled it). The THS Symphonic Band will be performing tomorrow at the Little America Hotel for Utah's Legislatures and School Boards. He explained some of the music the band performed. It was fun to watch the kiddos jump to the beat on their seats :) I think the favorite number was "Hymn of the Fallen". All the children behaved so well! As the band walked to their seats, I pointed out each instrument. Many of the kids would comment, "Oooo, I want to play that!"

Writing: Practiced Letter V/v & Violin V Worksheet

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