Theme: "C" is for Cookie
Choosing Time: Cars, Garage, Cars Memory, Little Critters
Lesson: We met Callie Cat and learned that "C" is a fun letter. We brainstormed words that begin with the "C" sound. I'm quite impressed with the words the kiddos came up with: cool, car, crab, cave, cake, ........I showed them a series of pictures. We had to decide which ones had the "C" sound.
- Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type by Doreen Cronin
- The Duckling Gets a Cookie by Mo Williams
- Cookie Monster and the Cookie Tree by David Korr
- The Big Chickens by Leslie Helakoski
- Clap the Crazies Out
- Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes
- Scat the Cat
- Make Circles and C's with bodies
- "C" is for Cookie
- Race Car Relay
- Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?
- Race our Cars
- Alphabet Bingo with Cheerios
Science: Examined a Caterpillar spinning a cocoon
Art: Making Cars out of recyclable materials
Cooking: Circle shaped sugar Cookies
Snacks: We had so much fun looking for the "C's" on the packaging!
- Cheese Sticks & Apples
- Charleston Chews & Colored Rainbow Goldfish
- Cookies & Cheerios
- Chocolate milk & Cheese
- Cookies, Grapes, & Cheese
- Craisins, Cucumbers, & Animal Cracker Cookies
Writing: "C/c"
Outside Play: Discovering Chicken Eggs
Reading: Can