Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eat Your Greens

Theme: Green
Choosing Time: Green spiders & snakes face painting, Green Nail Polish, Animals, Dishes/Food, Duplos, Dress-ups, Mr. Potato Head
Music: 5 Speckled Frogs & Tiny Tim
AM Snack: Strawberries, Green Grapes, Crackers, & Cheese
PM Snack: Green Kissy Lip Cookies--I took one bite and instantly turned into a giant frog! :)
Lesson: My friend, Green Monster, came to visit today. He can only eat green vegetables & fruits. Each child took a turn to choose a green food and then feed the monster. We had fun sharing what green foods we like and ones we don't :) Seeing everyone in green clothes was a nice spring time look and I couldn't help but feel like Spring was here today :)
Movement: 10 Exercises
Art: Yellow & Blue Make Green Paintings
Book: In the Tall, Tall Grass by Denise Fleming
AM Story-Telling: I had several pictures of green items in a green hat. Each child took a turn to choose a picture and invent how it could be part of the story. I went first and initially helped quite a bit. We practiced our entire story a couple of times. Then when we finished a few of the children chose new pictures and began a completely new story. It was awesome!
PM Show & Tell: We had some fun green things to see today! Thank you Susie for bringing our first "Show, Tell, Share, & Eat"! We all loved the cucumbers.

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