Thursday, March 24, 2011

Under The Sea

Theme: Under the Sea
Choosing Time: Shells, Dramatic Play with "Boats & Telescopes", The ABSeas Game, Pop-Up Pirate Game, Animals, Sea Puppets, & Sea Mural Drawing
Movement: Parachute Game with Fish, Moving as Different Sea Creatures, & Moving "S" Ways (ex. sway, stomp, swirl, stop, stand, sink...)
Music: If I Were A Fishy, Twinkle Little Star, A Crab, The Whale, Octopus, Tiny Tim
Art: Rainbow Fish
In the AM Class we tried an experiment with vinegar. We painted our fish with vinegar and then pressed tissue paper squares on top. When the vinegar dries, the paper comes off supposedly leaving the stain of the color on the paper. Sadly, this did not occur...I tried to do it on two different kinds of paper after class and still the colors didn't bleed...I had thought perhaps the paper plate just wouldn't absorb the I have no idea what went wrong.
AM Snack: Goldfish Crackers & Sea Creature Fruit Snacks

PM Snack: Fruit Snacks, Carrots, & Goldfish Crackers

Circle Time: We went fishing of course! Each fish had a corresponding activity.
Books: Swimmy by Leo Lionni, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister, The Owl & the Pussycat by Edward Lear/Jan Brett, & Commotion In the Ocean by Giles Andreae

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